Have you heard of the millionaire morning routine? It’s become very popular after Craig Ballantyne stated that you can become a millionaire in just fifteen (15) minutes in the morning. Oh, but it’s important to mention he’s NOT referring to one morning, but by applying his strategy every morning for 15 minutes. I guess it’s a compound effect…right? “The process is simple…1) Use scripts to practice and rehearse. You plan out what you do the night before and how long you have to do it for. 2) Is to honour your plan by sticking to it. Don’t keep hitting the snooze button, and stop making excuses.” says Craig. Honestly, I want to know what else Craig has to say because his stuff does sound interesting…right? If you agree, then read my complete Millionaire Morning Routine review. But,

Before I start…

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Who Is Craig Ballantyne?

Craig Ballantyne is quite the jack-of-all-trades. He’s written books, coached businesses, and made motivational speeches. He started out helping his dad on their cattle farm in Ontario. By 2005, he was grinding away for 60 hours weekly as a personal trainer in a city gym.

Then things turned when Mark Ford from Early To Rise became his mentor. Fast forward a bit, and Craig has built five big businesses, written three books (one being a top-seller in the Wall Street Journal), and guided thousands of entrepreneurs globally. He’s even helped more than 260 people make their first million.

People now call him “The World’s Most Disciplined Man.” On top of all this, Business Insider mentioned that he has a Master’s in Exercise Physiology from McMaster University. Quite the resume, right? Before we continue,

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So, why should you stop hitting the snooze button in the morning? It’s because whenever you do, you tell your dreams, passion, or whatever to wait. You are saying that my sleep is way more important and my success can wait. I agree with Craig. You don’t understand how much I regret NOT getting an early start in the morning because I felt my sleep was way more important. Honestly, after I would wake up, I would feel like scum, crappy, and worth nothing. “Get in the habit of getting up on time, for example, like you planned the night before, so you can get a head start on your day, and step 3 will help you do this,” says Craig. What is step 3, it is the Ballantyne method? He says the only way you can start waking up earlier is by transitioning slowly. He says from experience, you can’t expect to jump right into a 5am waking up schedule because you must train your mind to do it slowly over time. If your current schedule is to wake up at 7am, you will have a difficult time getting up at 5am the next day. Well, it can work for 1-2 days, but your mind and body will start to crash because you haven’t trained it accordingly. Anyways, work slowly while letting your body adjust over time. Let’s continue…

Step four (4) is to always stay hydrated. “Think about it: you’ve been asleep for 7-8 hours straight without drinking water at all…right? What I do is drink 1 litre of water within five minutes of waking up. You see, what people don’t tell you is staying hydrated helps you think more clearly and allows you to remain focused on the day ahead.” says Craig. (Makes sense). Now, step five (5) is to use something that Craig Ballantyne calls the “farm boy formula” …what the hell is this…lol. I’ve never heard of it…have you? Craig says he grew up on a farm, and one thing it taught him was you can’t wait around to start your chores. When you apply it to your life, Craig means don’t get up and start checking emails or watching TV; you have to get to work and complete the first thing on your list. Stop wasting time! I like number six (6) because it’s to eliminate distractions and temptations. So, turn off your TV and phone, clear your workspace, and remove anything which may throw you off track. “You have to make it difficult for yourself to lose focus and stop you from working,” says Craig. You see,

The Millionaire Morning routine emphasizes the importance of your willpower and how it should always be protected. If you use your willpower correctly, you can completely zone in (focus) on what needs to be done, allowing you to make the big moves that will make you millions during those magic moments in the morning.

Step seven (7): don’t drink large cups of coffee; instead, opt for smaller doses of caffeine throughout the day. I haven’t heard this one before, and it’s got my attention. Craig Ballantyne says a study by the U.S. Army concluded that a smaller dose of caffeine is much easier on your body. You avoid a crash, allowing you to have more extended periods of productivity than consuming large cups of coffee, which lowers productivity. Now, this brings us to step eight (8), which is my favourite…

You should practice something called delayed gratification. Use a reward ritual; for example, after 1 hour of solid work, you reward yourself with a walk outside, a healthy breakfast, or a short YouTube video. Using this strategy will give you something to look forward to in the short term and will give you a feeling of instant gratification. (I love it!). Step nine (9): always feed your mind the RIGHT types of foods. Focus on those foods which give you less brain fog because this would affect your overall productivity. So, pay attention to what you eat and plan your meals accordingly to avoid crashing. Step ten (10), your mornings should be used to make money because this is when you are MOST motivated and productive. Think about it: you just woke up from a fresh 7-8 hours of sleep and are motivated to get things done. “I have found the longer you wait in the day to complete your tasks, the lazier you are and may not get to them,” says Craig. So, complete work in the morning and do everything else, like lifting weights, etc, later in the day. Awesome…

Craig Ballantyne sells his Millionaire Morning Routine for a price of $49. It includes something called a 21-day challenge. You get a FREE copy of his digital eBook called The Perfect Day Formula, a 90-day Reality Maker Blueprint, worksheets, guides, and more. If you think about it, you get enormous value for $49…right? Oh, Craig does go further into the millionaire daily schedule once you purchase his product. However, I’m sure the Ballantyne method is just the tip of the iceberg because once you purchase, you will be hit with higher-priced upsells like coaching packages. Personally, I can respect him trying to upsell, especially if he has something of value to offer…right? I just hope his product is worth buying and his millionaire routine works once applied to your life. But I learned Craig is a business coach to elite entrepreneurs, and Michelle Laura (his wife) is also an entrepreneur. They must be doing something right! If you want to apply the millionaire morning routine to a business, I encourage you to check out another business involving setting up digital real estate properties. It’s less effort, and I collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income). If you want to LEARN more, then…

Before you leave

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