Aaron Jack guarantees you are taking the long path to LEARN coding. In his MOST recent YouTube ad, He says he feels bad for people taking the long path when there is a much shorter one available where you will remember 90% of what you learn instead of losing it compared to all the other training programs out there.

“Most people get impatient and give up because they are stuck in this vicious circle of learning and forgetting. Oh, they have also invested so much money in their education,” says Aaron. Toward the end of his YouTube ad, Aaron introduces his strategy called Learn And Earn.” Does this sound interesting to you? Yes? Here’s my complete Freemote course review. But first,

Before I start…

Many SCAMMY programs out there claim to give you results, but ultimately, they blow nothing but HOT air. So if you are tired of programs that don’t produce results, I want you to check out the following Tiny Two Page Website That Makes Us $40,000/Month

Ok, so Aaron says Upwork has been a gold mine for freelancers because they have been able to land jobs left and right. These same people have been able to 2x or 3x their income working remotely as developers or even taking it one step further, starting their own web development agencies. “I can help you do the same through something I call Freemote, and everything is laid out for you step-by-step. Here’s how it works…”  Aaron then says you start by focusing on something easy to LEARN regarding development. What’s the point of this, you ask? It’s because when you have the fundamentals, you can start taking on simple real world projects.” Let’s continue,

Aaron says with the fundamentals, you can start building a portfolio of real projects you have completed, which will help you build a profitable freelancer career from the ground up. “You can leverage your portfolio and show people the type of work you have done and how you can help them,”  I guess this method works because you have real experience, which is what people are looking for in a developer when they need a project completed. Aaron says from experience, many people on Upwork don’t have a portfolio showing what they have done, making it harder for them to land projects and EARN income. He then goes into sales mode, telling you to click the link in his ad because he will show you EXACTLY what to learn and how. Before I continue…

It’s only fair to show you what I’m doing to make money online…watch the video… it will blow your mind…(40K with a two (2) page website)

Watch the video to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online


While flashing screenshots of some of his students enrolled in his training and part of his private Freemote Developers Facebook group, he says his method is unique because it can save you months of learning that otherwise would be lost the traditional way. I decided to click on the link in his ad because he flashed screenshots of the income his students were bringing in, which was pretty enticing.  Anyway, I was directed to his website, where there was another video claiming I could make six (6) figures a year as a software developer, and I don’t even need a degree (lol). Aaron says he’s the man to give you this advice because last year he was a broke English teacher, but now is earning approx. 160K per year. All of this in less than a year. IDK…you think Freemote is legit with these claims? Sounds too good to be true…right? Let’s continue anyway…

Aaron says people who take the typical route spend months or even years studying, wasting thousands of dollars, and have a 30% success rate (if you are lucky). I want to know where he is finding these stats? He then continues to push Freemote by saying he has a better way to get actual projects and earn income, which he will show you through his training…of course! Aaron Jack finally talks about what’s included in Freemote.

It’s a step-by-step approach which is more tactical than others. It’s a seven (7) day extremely intensive program. You will learn everything from finding profitable projects, which I have heard are mainly in eCommerce. Aaron will give you the knowledge and skills to complete these projects and then guide you to go on your own to find the MOST profitable freelance gigs. “The key is to keep building your portfolio because this is your golden ticket to boost your credibility and land more developer jobs,” says Aaron. To ensure your learning experience is as smooth as possible, Freemote is divided into three (3) sections or stages. 1) It’s all about learning web development, for example, Javascript, CSS, and HTML. 2) You will learn how to master Shopify, which is vital to perfect how to code custom themes. 3) It’s all about freelancing, for example, onboarding new clients, getting hired, completing projects, customer satisfaction, and getting paid.

Great…how much does Freemote cost? The Freemote Bootcamp costs $997. Aaron says it comes with a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee. You also get bonus content, which is updated to the training. For example, the team recently added guest modules from the $10 million agency owner and the #1 freelancer on Upwork and Week 8 React. So, is Freemote Legit? Yes! Of course! But becoming a developer is all about passion, and you must love coding to thrive in the business. The price seems fair, and I’m happy with the refund policy, but I can’t stand bidding on development projects, coding, all of it. If you feel the same way, I encourage you to check out another business that involves setting up digital real estate properties. It’s less effort, and I collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income). If you want to LEARN more, then…

Before you leave

I love what I was able to do with this…my favourite program, which helped me make $200k in the last 12 months alone!