Evergreen Agent Review (The Kingdom Model) – 24 Deals a Month!…Really?
- September 7, 2023
- Posted by: Rizvan
- Category: Making Money , Real Estate ,

I’ve always been suspicious about real estate training programs, especially when they claim to show you how to close 24–48 deals every year using a “SECRET” model. This is precisely what Jonathan Khalil, the creator of Evergreen Agent, says you can do through his so-called Kingdom Model. “I was able to secure around 150 new clients last year alone using my method. My model also allowed me to build a 7-figure business in two (2) years,” says Jonathan (impressive). He’s happy to say his students closed something like $400 million worth of sales last year. Okay, enough with the stats; what is this “secret” model he’s saying can transform your life? And can it still be applied in today’s market? Read my Evergreen agent review…but,
Before I start…
Many SCAMMY programs out there claim to give you results, but ultimately, they blow nothing but HOT air. So if you are tired of programs that don’t produce results, I want you to check out the following Tiny Two Page Website That Makes Us $40,000/Month…First, to answer your question, Jonathan says “yes,” his process/method will work in today’s market (or low inventory markets). He says the Kingdom Model is transforming real estate agents, turning them into machines signing buyers and sellers around the clock. “And don’t get confused, these are not cold leads; these are people who are ready to sell or buy and know exactly who you are and what you do,” says Jonathan. He then says as an Evergreen agent, your biggest hurdle will be managing all of these new clients that come your way. He guarantees there will come a time when you will need to hire your own team to help manage this massive influx of clients. But he still hasn’t explained what the Kingdom Model is all about. He continues to sell the perks or benefits like…
You don’t have to knock on doors, do cold calling, beg for referrals, do paid advertising, or even spend money buying leads. “My system is so simple by design that anyone can use it to be more successful, and I guarantee it.“ says Jonathan. You do have to work hard, be smarter, and be focused because nothing is a handout, but if you apply these four (4) main things…it will work for you. However, the entire system does break down if you don’t. Here are the four (4) pillars which Jonathan goes through with his Evergreen Agent co-founder, Ethan Katz. Before I continue…
It’s only fair to show you what I’m doing to make money online…watch the video… it will blow your mind…(40K with a two (2) page website)
Watch the video to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
Pillar number 1 is you need superior positioning because you can’t be like every other real estate agent in the market. Think about it: If you are repeating the same things as everyone else, what will make you stand out compared to them? It’s about wowing the customer because this gives you an edge to charge your full commission. Think about when you pay above market price for a product…why? It’s because of how they positioned the product in their marketing….it’s that simple! Let’s continue…
Pillar number 2 is something called organic attraction. Build a strong attraction with the people willing to buy or sell immediately. I mean, these are the people willing to do a transaction right now. When you do this, you are building brand equity because word of mouth travels, so anyone needing a real estate agent down the road is yours, too. By using this approach, you are making short-term profits but setting yourself up to make long-term profits, too. So, the first two (2) pillars discussed are about attracting the clients, but there’s more to cover…
Pillar number 3 is pipeline management. It’s time to get more per lead you generate, also called “dollar per lead (DPL).” Let’s do some math; by the end of the year, you complete 1,000 leads, which equals $300,000 or $300 per lead…right? But, you have to consider ways to maximize this by increasing the rate by 50%. The Kingdom model will show you how to implement a more vigorous follow-up process to increase your overall conversion rate. Let’s move to the final pillar:
Pillar number 4…welcome the Kingdom Model! This training (whatever) will give you your own Facebook group that generates leads and has been optimized to screen each one that comes through the funnel. “Doing this will ensure the people reaching out to you are legitimate buyers or sellers and not around to waste your time,” says Jonathan. He even offers to help with his partner Ethan but to learn more, you have to fill out an app to book a call with them. You can do this by going to EvergreenAgent.com. I tried to find out about pricing but could locate a thing. They even have a link with “pricing,” but that leads you to a “demo” or “book a call” button. I didn’t find enough to tell you if they are legit or a scam, but I’m still going to recommend what I do, which is set up digital real estate properties. It’s less effort, and I collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income). You want to LEARN more, then…
Before you leave
I love what I was able to do with this…my favourite program, which helped me make $200k in the last 12 months alone!

Hey! I’m Riz! Kick off your shoes and grab a drink! We need to talk about the shams and scams you need to watch out for when choosing a mentor and/or coach. But, before we start..check out what I do to collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income).