Is Jeff’s Shortcut Legit? Find Out Right Now…
- August 23, 2023
- Posted by: Rizvan
- Category: Making Money , Self Improvement ,

You don’t know how many people ask me this question! Everyone wants to know is Jeff’s shortcut legit, and I’m here to answer this question today. So, for those of you who don’t know Jeff Lerner, he says millionaires are created daily, and you CAN be one of them too. His biggest claim is that he knows a life-changing shortcut and shares it with you through The Millionaire Shortcut book he’s written (authored). Anyways, he says,
“Learn all the secrets right now, and all you have to do is submit your email, and I’ll give you free access to my life-changing book.” But I’ve discovered something that’s a total letdown. What? Read my Jeff’s shortcut review to find out. But,
Before I start…
Many SCAMMY programs out there claim to give you results, but ultimately, they blow nothing but HOT air. So if you are tired of programs that don’t produce results, I want you to check out the following Tiny Two Page Website That Makes Us $40,000/Month…So…
It’s a clever setup because you see a YouTube ad for, and he gets you all excited by telling you what you want to hear. Naturally, you will click the link and opt into the form, expecting something completely life-changing…right? But, instead of receiving a book, you get blasted with a video sales pitch for Jeff’s Entre Blueprint Training. (LOL).“The training for a limited time only is $39.00, but you have to beat the countdown timer,” says Jeff. Of course, I discovered this is complete BS because I left the page and returned to see what happened with the timer. As expected, it just resets and starts all over (it’s NOT a limited-time offer). On the other hand, the Millionaires Shortcut book made it to my inbox after 10 minutes. Still, it’s a crappy outdated PDF eBook with absolutely NO VALUE whatsoever. (disappointing) Let’s continue…
It’s only fair to show you what I’m doing to make money online…watch the video… it will blow your mind…(40K with a two (2) page website)
Watch the video to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
So, I decided to check out the book, and as you read through it, it continues to pitch the ENTRE Blueprint with links sending you back to the sales page. But, hey, the book does reveal The Millionaire Shortcut (Jeff’s big secret) towards the end, which is, drumroll, please…
First, find someone who’s a millionaire and get them to mentor you on the EXACT steps they took to become a millionaire…lol. And, of course, Jeff knows just the right person to mentor you for thirty-nine bucks (It’s Jeff…of course!). Can you believe this? There’s NO secret except to learn from those who are millionaires before you. I swear I could have told you this, and I’m NOT even a millionaire…LOL. I mean, the Millionaire Shortcut is supposed to be life-changing and extraordinary. Still, all I found was a deceptive way to get people into a program. This is EXACTLY why people find it hard to trust others online…right? Anyways,
It gets worse…ready…
To Jeff, it’s all about upselling. If you decide to buy the ENTRE Blueprint, you’re going to get bombarded with more coaching, masterminds, training, etc. He wants to upsell you in any way he can to make as much money as possible. Oh, the price keeps going higher and higher! I searched the following on Google “the millionaire shortcut reviews.” I found some people mentioned his ENTRE Blueprint packages being something like 50K, which is jaw-dropping. I can’t understand how Jeff feels so comfortable taking 50K from people, especially after manipulating them through a sales funnel the way he did. But I can agree with his approach to becoming a millionaire…right? We all need mentors and must LEARN from those before us, but even with this strategy, there are a few things you have to consider beforehand…ready?
First, do you have the time, focus, motivation, and resources to follow a mentor’s advice? You see, the one thing I know is to accomplish anything in life, you have to be ready mentally for all the challenges that come your way. Are you willing to wake up at 4am every day and follow the mentor’s advice from day 1? It takes enormous discipline, and if you are NOT ready to do the work, you’ve already failed. If you think paying Jeff 10K will make money fall from the sky, your mentality is backward. So, think about where you are in life and if you can handle this type of commitment…ok?
Secondly, is this a suitable business model for you? Think about it this way. Hiring a tech millionaire to mentor you will do nothing if coding is NOT your thing or you dislike spending long hours on a computer. Someone once told me, “An Amazon millionaire cannot make you successful if talking to suppliers, organizing inventory, and doing numbers is NOT your thing.” (I agree!)
Third, which I think is the MOST important, the mentor must be the right fit for you. Your personalities must click because that’s the only way you will understand their lessons and enjoy being mentored by them. Do your research and ask people about this person. For example, is this person legit, and do they have a track record for success? Take time to learn about their business and how they are doing right now, NOT how they did several years ago. Also, what about their personality? The values they believe in. Just find out as much as possible because it’s your money, and obviously, you want an ROI…right? So, to answer the magic question: Is Millionaire Mentor a Scam?
The way it’s presented through Jeff, I would say it is! He provided nothing but a sneaky way to get you hooked onto another training of his. I guess he wants to squeeze you dry! However, hiring a mentor in your business has been one of the best ways to achieve success. Just talk to any successful entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you their success is attributed to having a great mentor in their life. Anyways, I want to encourage you to check out what I’m doing. It involves setting up digital real estate properties. It’s less effort, and I collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income). If you want to LEARN more, then…
Before you leave
I love what I was able to do with this…my favourite program, which helped me make $200k in the last 12 months alone!

Hey! I’m Riz! Kick off your shoes and grab a drink! We need to talk about the shams and scams you need to watch out for when choosing a mentor and/or coach. But, before we start..check out what I do to collect a nice $500-$2,000+ checks every month afterward (AKA passive income).