How to Start a Nursing Blog From Start to Finish – With Video Walkthrough
- January 15, 2022
- Posted by: Rizvan
- Category: Business And Blogging , Nursing Tips ,

Are you wondering how to start a nursing blog from start to finish in just a few easy steps? Well, we WILL show you how to do just that step-by-step!
We understand that as a nurse, you WILL have enormous insight to share with fellow healthcare workers, and one way to do this is through your blog. As a nurse blogger, you CAN create a platform to answer questions and provide tips to those becoming nurses in the future. You can also use your blog to provide INSIGHT to nurses already working in the industry but need help handling the everyday stress of being a nurse. However, before you CAN start sharing your knowledge, you need to set up your blog and start marketing it to others online. With that said,
As mentioned, we have created this step-by-step guide to help you on your journey. Towards the bottom of each section, we will give you an action step to complete, which will help you seamlessly start your nursing blog. Let’s get started:
In This Article
What Is Your Vision?
Do Your Research
Other Keyword Research Methods
Select A Domain Name and Purchase Hosting
Install WordPress and Choose Your Theme
Creating an Email List for Your Blog
Creating Your Content
Edit and Publish Your Content
Write 10-15 Blog Posts Before Promoting Your Content
Setup Social Media Accounts
Promote Your Content
How to Monetize and Make Money from Your Blog
Summary of Blogging Tools
Additional Resources
Day 1
What Is Your Vision?
If you are wondering how to start a nursing blog, you need to first think about your vision and what you want to do with your blog. For example, will you create a community for people to ask questions, or will you SHARE your experiences through your blog? Some nurses use their blog as a SPACE to help other nurses by providing relaxation/destressing tips. With that said,
The KEY is first to determine what you want to do with your blog because without a clear focus; you will have a hard time coming up with content for your blog. Therefore, we recommend opening a WORD DOCUMENT on your computer and start brainstorming, typing out a few things you would like to do with your blog. Some great examples are to write down (IN DETAIL) the following:
a) What will your content focus on? Or what will you write about (tips, your experience, answer questions posted by other nurses?
b) What are some of the categories you will cover on your blog?
c) Take some time to think about your audience? (We will cover this in another section, but write down some ideas)
d) How much time CAN you dedicate to blogging? (full-time or part-time?)
e) What is your end goal? Are you looking to make money from your blog, and how? Or is it just for recreation?
f) If you have a name for your blog, write it down so you CAN register it during that “action plan” section.
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
On a piece of paper or WORD document, jot down the purpose of your blog in point form (bullets). Write down how much time you will dedicate to your blog and what your content will be about. The KEY is to outline an action plan that’s easy to follow, and you CAN turn to if you need some clarity. For example, you can write down the following:
– Create a community for nurses to post comments or questions
– I will write a blog post every Sunday to summarize my work week
– Anything I learned during the week that I feel will help other nurses, I will write in my blog post
– The total time I will dedicate is 2-3 hours per week on content (after the website is set up)
– My target GOAL is to have 30 blog posts up for the year
– I also want to create social media accounts for my blog to publish my content and build a following.
Don’t forget to save your WORD DOCUMENT or piece of paper because this will be your “start your nurse blog” ACTION journal.
Do Your Research
After creating a vision/plan, you CAN start doing some niche-related research. This step requires you to hop on your computer and start doing some research online. If you do NOT have a laptop, then check out our list of 17 Best Laptops For Nurses ????.
Head over to Google and type in the following “nurse blogs” and skim through the search results, which should look something like this:
Click here to view the entire Google Search Results
You will go through 5-10 nursing blogs currently published on the internet to research their written content, design, domain name, and other points of interest. In this step, you are researching to understand what is already out there and find creative ways to do something slightly different to stand out compared to your competition. The KEY is NOT to copy them but learn what these nurse bloggers are doing and how you CAN put a twist on your content. This step is extremely IMPORTANT if you have trouble coming up with ideas for your blog. Next,
If your OBJECTIVE is to answer common nursing questions in your industry, then head over to Google and type the following phrase “why do nurses,” you will see the following results:
Visit these blogs and write down some common questions nurses ask so you CAN answer them in detail. You can scroll to the bottom to find other fantastic TOPICS to cover too! For example, view the questions below.
With that said,
When doing your research, observe the following points on these nursing blogs: the content topics, questions asked by readers in the comment box, how often (frequency) these bloggers are posting content, length of content, blog categories, and their audience (nurses, non-nurses, or both).
Time to Complete: 1-2 hours
Head over to Google and search the following phrase – “nursing blogs”. Visit 5-10 blogs and skim through the website while paying close attention to the domain name, layout, categories, content topics, content length, and frequency of content posted. Next,
Open your NOTE taking journal and write down some of the stuff you have learned in your research. Also, write down the names of the websites you researched and be as detailed as possible. Later, you will be using your NOTES to develop design ideas, content, and more. Not to mention, you CAN always go back to your NOTES as a reference.
Other Keyword Research Methods
You can perform keyword research to determine the search volume for particular “keyword phrases”. The keyword search volume WILL help you narrow down whether the content TOPIC is worth writing about. In addition, writing content on high-volume search phrases will drive ORGANIC traffic to your blog, which you can EARN money from later on. With that said,
Many fantastic online tools help you perform keyword research and gather TOPIC ideas. For example, Google Search, Google Keyword Planner, and AHREF’s are all excellent products/tools we use, and you should utilize them in your keyword research.
Let’s explore how to use each one to find additional TOPICS when starting a nursing blog:
Google Search
Head over to Google and type in your niche keyword. For example, for your nursing blog, you CAN use keywords like “common nursing questions”, “nursing community”, “nursing tips”, etc. These are all relevant searches and will bring up relevant search results. Next
Browse through the search results and jot down some TOPIC ideas that FIT into your OBJECTIVE.
Watch Google Search Video Tutorial
Google Keyword Planner
Head over to Google Keyword Planner and sign in using your Gmail account login. If you do not have an account, you CAN set one up in a few minutes. Once you have logged in, click on “Discover New Keywords” and type in your target keyword phrase, for example, “new nurse tips” or “nursing tips”, etc. You can try different target keywords to collect as much DATA/TOPICS as possible. Don’t forget to change your target country, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, etc.
Watch Google Keyword Planner Video Tutorial
If you have some extra money to invest in your keyword research, then AHREFS provides you with an all-in-one platform to PERFORM your keyword research. Through AHREF’s, you can collect DATA on your competition (for example, backlink and domain profile), perform in-depth keyword research, check keyword difficulty, gather keyword-related questions, and more. With that said,
Check out these excellent video tutorials to help you get started with AHREFS.
Keyword Research Tutorial: From Start to Finish
How to Do Keyword Research for a NEW Website (Full Tutorial)
Advanced Keyword Research Tips to Find Untapped Keywords
Time to Complete: 1 hour
Spend this time to become familiar with the following tools: Google Search, Google Keyword Planner, and AHREF’s (FREE TRIAL). Then, perform keyword research on each platform and gather additional topics for your blog.
Select A Domain Name and Purchase Hosting
Choose a name relevant to nursing no longer than 10-15 characters. We recommend the shorter, the better, but only if it is relevant. Your audience MUST read the name and know what your blog is about. For example, in the previous step, while you were researching nursing blogs…. what did you notice about their names? Go back and take a look at the domain names again! With that said,
You also can brand your name with RN in the end. For example, When choosing a name, it is IMPORTANT that you like the name and it represents your VISION/PASSION. Next,
For your website to GO LIVE and be broadcasted online, you must purchase a hosting plan. The domain name and hosting plan are always combined. However, provides a BASIC hosting plan PERFECT for someone getting started.
A BASIC hosting plan ranges from $3.00-$5.00 per month.
Once you have selected a domain name, head over to, and you can purchase a domain and hosting together, which will save you on the cost.
Time to Complete: 10-minutes
First, click here “” and now watch the video to follow along in the process.
Watch Bluehost Video Tutorial
Install WordPress and Choose Your Theme
WordPress is the ultimate blogging platform, and we will NOT recommend any other one for your nurse blog. Furthermore, WordPress allows you customization options NOT offered by any other platform. So, if you decide to GROW your blog and add different features like a FAQ section or a community, it CAN be done by installing a simple plugin. CareerCrawlers is completed developed on WordPress.
The WordPress blogging platform can be installed on through the control panel. With that said,
The layout and design are also straightforward to set up because WordPress provides you with 1000+ FREE themes to install from the control panel. All you have to do is find the theme you like, click install, and it will be uploaded in 10 seconds. The customizing your theme video is Chapter 7 in the series below.
Create the following pages: About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, And Contact Us. The following video covers how to create pages in WordPress – WordPress Walkthrough Series (3 of 10) – Creating Pages
Bluehost has made the process very easy, and we have included some tutorials to get started. These videos were created by Bluehost and are a complete WordPress series.
WordPress Walkthrough Series (1 of 10) – Overview & Installation
WordPress Walkthrough Series (2 of 10) – Login & Admin Area
WordPress Walkthrough Series (3 of 10) – Creating Pages
WordPress Walkthrough Series (4 of 10) – Creating Blog Pages
WordPress Walkthrough Series (6 of 10) – Using Plugins
WordPress Walkthrough Series (7 of 10) – Customizing Themes
Time to Complete: 1.5 hours
Log into your Bluehost control panel and install the WordPress platform. Select a theme and install some plugins (if required). Watch the video on creating pages and creating blog pages. Take 30 minutes to become familiar with the WordPress control panel. Then, create the following pages: about us, privacy policy, terms and conditions, and contact us.
End of Day 1 Recap
What is your vision? By now, you have created your action plan and written down ideas on a domain name, content, and thought about your potential audience for your nursing blog. (30 minutes)
You have completed your research by visiting related nursing blogs to understand more about their blog structure, content style, length, and frequency. You also performed Google searches on common questions being asked by nurses. (1-2 hours)
Use Google Search, Google Keyword Planner, and AHREFs to perform additional keyword research to gather more TOPIC ideas. (1 hour)
You have registered your domain and purchased your hosting (10 minutes)
You have completed the WordPress installation and watched the tutorial videos by Bluehost. You have also taken some time to become familiar with the WordPress platform. (1.5 hours)
Total Time Invested Today: Five (5) hours
Day 2
Creating An Email List for Your Blog
Many bloggers make the mistake of NOT collecting email addresses from the start of their blog, which is a HUGE mistake. An email list is a marketing strategy that can generate recurring traffic to your site with little effort.
So, what is an email list, and how CAN you use it to generate traffic/income with little effort?
When you start a blog, you embed an opt-in email form to your blog, and visitors (your readers) have the option to submit their email addresses to get notified whenever you post NEW content. Each time you post new content on your blog, you send an email message to these subscribers to update them about your NEW content. These subscribers can click through and read your content. An email subscribers list is a great way to keep your blog active and have your audience coming back to read your content. The more readers, the higher the chance they will SHARE your content on social media leading to new readers coming to your blog. An email list with thousands of subscribers can generate revenue too. You can promote products and sell merchandise directly to your loyal readers through email marketing campaigns. With that said,
Setting up an email marketing form and campaign has been made more accessible because of the various tools available in the market today. These tools provide you with pre-made forms, campaign options, and autoresponders to get you up and running with minimal experience. Setting up an email marketing campaign for your blog can be done with very little investment, for example, Aweber a FREE version for up to 500 subscribers and anything above 500 subscribers for $19.99 per Month
Time to Complete: 15 minutes
Get started with the Aweber FREE
AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.
Creating Your Content
Your goal is to create your first piece of content in these three (3) initial days. Then, you will have a better idea of how much time it takes you to write content, so you CAN decide on your posting frequency. For example, by writing content RIGHT now, you can understand how long it takes to research a topic, write content based on your typing speed, edit your content, and upload your content. In addition, you CAN now decide how much time you need to post new content considering your full-time job and other responsibilities you have in your life RIGHT now.
Reference your blog journal from the What Is Your Vision? section where you have brainstormed TOPIC ideas for your blog. Choose a blog post idea and start your content writing. There are a few ways you CAN approach your content writing:
First, write a post highlighting your own nursing experience, which does NOT require much research since you are writing about your own experience. Or,
Secondly, answer a common question asked by nursing professionals and provide them with a detailed answer. This content strategy does require research since you want to write an in-depth answer to stand out compared to other nursing bloggers online. With that said,
Because this is your first piece of content for your blog, we recommend your content length for this post should be anywhere from 1000-1500 words. As you GAIN more experience, you WILL improve your writing style and CAN increase the length.
In this section, you are ONLY writing your content DRAFT. We will be editing and uploading your content in the next section on Day 3.
Here are some content writing tutorials to help you get started:
How To Write Content That Ranks Page #1 on Google
How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel
Top Tips for Content Creators Looking To Start a Website
Time to Complete: 2 hours
Start to write your FIRST piece of content. Focus on your own experience; for example, provide nursing tips to help others get through the day. You can also answer common questions that new or existing nurses MAY have in the industry. Take time to get accustomed to the writing/research process. We recommend a 1000-1500 words content length for your FIRST post only. If you need some guidance, watch the content writing videos for GREAT tips.
End of Day 2 Recap
Set up your email opt-in form through Aweber. (15 minutes)
Write your FIRST piece of content for your blog (2 hours)
Total Time Invested Today: Two (2) hours and Fifteen (15) minutes
Day 3
Edit and Publish Your Content
Now comes the exciting part, you will edit and upload your FIRST blog post for publishing. To edit, you SIMPLY read through your content, ensuring no mistakes and making small changes as required. As you read through your content, you MAY feel to extend your content to provide more insight into the TOPIC, which is fine. Also, you CAN use online tools to assist you with your writing and editing. For example, Grammarly is a great option that checks your content as you type, providing sentence structure feedback alternatives. Next,
If you have some EXTRA money to spend, you can head over to and hire someone to edit your content for you. Prices range from $15.00-$50.00 depending on the length of your content.
Once you have edited your content, you can log into your WordPress website>Click Posts>Add New. Here is a video tutorial on how to create a blog post in WordPress:
WordPress Walkthrough Series (4 of 10) – Creating Blog Pages
Now comes the exciting part, you will edit and upload your FIRST blog post for publishing. To edit, you SIMPLY read through your content, ensuring no mistakes and making small changes as required. As you read through your content, you MAY feel to extend your content to provide more insight into the TOPIC, which is fine. Also, you CAN use online tools to assist you with your writing and editing. For example, Grammarly is a great option that checks your content as you type, providing sentence structure feedback alternatives. Next,
If you have some EXTRA money to spend, you can head over to and hire someone to edit your content for you. Prices range from $15.00-$50.00 depending on the length of your content.
Time to Complete: 1 hour
Go through and edit your content from the night before. This content should have been completely typed out and saved as a DRAFT. Read through, make the appropriate edits and upload to WordPress. Watch the following video to help you get started with publishing your FIRST post:
WordPress Walkthrough Series (4 of 10) – Creating Blog Pages
Write 10-15 Blog Posts Before Promoting Your Content
Before you start promoting your nursing blog, it is IMPORTANT to have at least 10-15 blog posts written and published on your website. You do NOT want to promote your blog and have your audience arrive on your website with only a single post published. It will be tough to keep your audience engaged with a single blog post compared to having 10-15 published on your website. With that said,
We recommend you keep writing and publishing content on your nursing blog. You can start actively promoting your content on social media and other media channels once you have published your 10-15 blog posts.
Time to Complete: As per your availability
Find 10-15 TOPICS to write about and start creating more content to add to your nursing blog. There is NO time limit for this “ACTION PLAN”, but the sooner you CAN complete all 15 blog posts, the sooner you CAN start PROMOTING your content.
Setup Social Media Accounts
Head over to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to set up your social media accounts. When setting up these accounts, use your blog name for branding and add a logo, description, etc. At this point, you are just registering a social media account to secure your blog name with each social media network. This process should NOT take you more than 30 minutes to complete. With that said,
Later you will be promoting your content on these networks, which we will be discussing in another section.
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Create an account on the MOST popular social media networks: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Make sure your social media accounts are named after your blog domain for branding reasons.
Promote Your Content (For Free)
After publishing your initial 10-15 posts on your blog, you CAN actively promote your content on different media channels. First, set up a Google Webmaster account so you CAN submit your website to be indexed by Google Search. Here is a quick video on how to get started with Google Webmasters: Google Search Console Tutorial 2020 Step-By-Step – Google Webmaster Tools Tutorial. With that said,
While we wait for Google to start ranking your blog pages, let’s explore some cost-effective ways to promote your content.
Share With Family/Friends
The BEST way to get the word out about your content is to ask for help from your family and friends. Let them know about your nurse blog and have them share it with their inner circle. Some of them MAY even have some nurses looking for help, and your blog CAN be a GREAT resource for them to follow. What’s fantastic is that many of them probably have social media accounts with hundreds of followers, so having them SHARE your content can drive a lot of FREE traffic to your nursing blog.
Social Media (With #hastags)
So, you have started a blog for nurses hoping to help others in the same industry. Use social media to build your brand quickly by first sharing your accounts then joining communities and relevant groups. First, when sharing content on your social media profiles, DON’T forget to add the RIGHT #hashtags to each one. What is a hashtag:
“On social media, it serves as an indication (for users and algorithms) that a piece of content relates to a specific topic or belongs to a category.
Hashtags help make content discoverable in on-platform searches and, effectively, reach more people.” –
Using #hashtags is very easy; for example, when you upload content on social media, you CAN type something like this:
“Are you new to nursing? Check out these 15 awesome tips for new grad nurses entering the industry in 2022 – #nursing #nursingtips #newnurses #nursesrock #nurses”
These #hashtags will push your content in front of the RIGHT people whenever they search for content on social media. The more your content is discovered, the HIGHER the chances of it being re-shared by others, generating traffic to your blog.
Quora is a FREE community where you can answer questions posted by other users. The cool thing with Quora is that it is also a GREAT community to find additional topics for your blog. We recommend heading over to Quora and answering questions posted by nurses to link back to your content as an additional reference.
Watch Quora Community Video Tutorial
Guest Blogging Opportunities
Guest blogging provides you with a GREAT opportunity to connect with other nursing bloggers and share content with them. Some of these other bloggers WILL also accept content written by you to be posted on their blog and will allow you to link back to your website towards the bottom “Author Bio” section. This is an EFFECTIVE strategy to use once you have become an established writer and have attractive TOPICS to write about so you CAN pitch your ideas to other bloggers. So, why is this such an effective strategy to generate traffic to your new blog?
First, it is FREE to write content and WILL NOT cost you anything to write a guest post for another nurse blogger. Secondly, you are writing the content yourself, so you CAN monitor the quality of the post, ensuring only the highest quality content is produced and published. Third, it’s a great way to build relationships with other bloggers in your industry. Finally, publishing on an established blog with thousands of visitors each month can generate a lot of relevant traffic to your blog. It’s a win-win situation for both yourself and the other blogger. They are building a relationship with someone in the same industry and getting a HIGH-piece of quality content in return. With that said,
It is essential to follow the guest posting guidelines published by the other blogger. So, let’s explore how to find these excellent guest posting opportunities.
Watch Guest Blogging Video Tutorial
Post and Publish Content Regularly
Google will index your website more quickly as you start publishing content regularly. Also, it is widely PROVEN that the more HIGH-quality content you publish on your blog, the higher the traffic potential. Driving traffic to your blog is TRULY a numbers game because the more your content shows up in the search results, the more people WILL click through to your website. We recommend taking some time to set up a regular posting schedule!
PLEASE NOTE: The promoting methods below are FREE, and we encourage you to get started with these strategies. Later, once you start to generate some revenue from your blog, you CAN jump into paid advertising; however, until then, we recommend using these FREE strategies above.
Time to Complete: 1-2 hours
Post content on social media and set up a social media publishing calendar. Send an email to your friends and family asking them to share your content. Research and contact five (5) relevant bloggers about guest posting opportunities in your niche. If possible, pitch them an idea and familiarize yourself with their guest posting guidelines. Finally, answer 3-4 relevant questions on to start building your profile.
How to Monetize and Make Money from Your Blog
Now comes the exciting part as you find ways to monetize your blog. First, to make money from your blog, you NEED traffic, so only implement these strategies once you have 50+ posts on your blog. After that, you should also see traffic coming to your blog, which you can view through the Google Analytics reports. Before we continue, it is time to set up Google Analytics, so watch the following video tutorials:
How to Set Up Google Analytics – Tutorial for Beginners
How to Set Up a Google Analytics Account | Add Google Analytics to Your Website
Use the Google Analytics reports determining how much traffic is coming to your blog. In addition, some advertising networks require you to have traffic before they approve your publisher application. Here are some networks you CAN get started with RIGHT away:
Join this advertising network and place a code on your website to start displaying ads on your website. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the advertisements on your website, you get paid a cost-per-click rate ranging anywhere from $0.10-$0.75 on average. To join this network is FREE. Once you join, add your website information, the code, and wait for approval from Google AdSense. Here are some video tutorials to help you get started:
How to activate your AdSense account?
How to get your site approved for AdSense?
Affiliate Marketing
The concept of affiliate marketing is NOT new and has been around for years. It’s defined as promoting other businesses products in exchange for a commission for each sale completed. Another form of affiliate marketing is CPA (cost-per-action). With CPA marketing, you promote offers and get paid a fixed price for each completed. These offers pay you a small commission for visitors leaving their email addresses or signing up for a free trial. With that said,
Signing up for affiliate marketing can be done directly through a business’s website or a network like, Commission Junction, and
Watch Affiliate Marketing Video Tutorial
Sponsored Posts
Once you have established your brand, you can get paid to write sponsored posts on your website or for other relevant websites. For example, other nurse bloggers who are JUST starting will need help building their brand, so they will pay you to promote their blog with a link back to their homepage. Usually, bloggers will reach out to you asking if you do “sponsored posts” and stipulate their requirements so you can decide if this income strategy is the RIGHT fit for you. With that said,
Suppose you have people reaching out to you about sponsored post opportunities. In that case, you must have precise requirements and expectations. Also, we recommend asking them a lot of questions about their requirements. Why? Simple, you DO NOT want to hurt your brand/blog by writing about a product or blog that does NOT align with your overall ideology.
Direct Advertising
Through direct advertising, you make money by displaying banners on your blog. Here is an example of display advertisements:
You can charge businesses a monthly FEE/PRICE to display banners about their content or products. The price you charge will be determined by how POPULAR your blog is and the relevancy of the traffic. With that said,
Before you accept any offers, it is IMPORTANT to keep your blog standards always in the HIGHEST regard. DO NOT promote a business or product that will hurt your brand and credibility.
Selling Products
Some nurse blogs are making income selling products through their website. For example, some nurses are selling books like, while others are promoting their course and planners, i.e – These nurse bloggers have built up a following over the years and have a loyal readership. As a nurse, you can combine all your “nursing survival tips” into a digital download eBook and sell it for $9.99 to your readers. If you have thousands of daily readers, this CAN be highly lucrative for you. With that said,
Selling your products takes time, and developing a solid marketing strategy can take months. We recommend investing time in selling your products once you have an established readership so you CAN get a return on your investment (ROI).
Time to Complete: 1 hour
You will start to monetize your nursing blog after generating some traffic flow over the next several months. So, in this ACTION PLAN, we want you to consider some of the monetization strategies provided above and SELECT a few that interest you in the future. You can now do some research on the ones listed above to become more familiar with them.
Edit and publish your first piece of content. (1 hour)
Start to think of other TOPICs for future posts. This will help you reach the GOAL of 10-15 blog posts so you CAN start promoting/marketing your blog. (Write content as per your schedule)
Take 10-minutes to set up your social media accounts. Focus on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for now. (10-minutes)
Start promoting your content on your social media accounts, Quora, and researching guest posting opportunities. (1-2 hours)
Spend time thinking about blog monetization for the future (1 hour)
Total Time Invested Today: Four (4) hours and Ten (10) minutes
Summary of Blogging Tools
Here is a summary of all the ESSENTIAL blogging tools required for your new nursing blog:
Head over to and type some target “keywords” to find your competition. Then, visit each site and learn from what they are doing. Finally, find ways to make your blog and content better.
This is a FREE keyword research tool provided by Google Ads. Login with your Gmail username and password to start your research. Type in relevant keyword phrases to gather popular search terms others are typing. You can also narrow down your TARGET country to anywhere in the world, which is EXTREMELY useful if you want to target a specific country
A paid tool to research your competition. You can conduct keyword research and understand your competitor’s backlink profile. Use AHREF’s to narrow down low competition keywords and find topics that MAY be easier to rank for than other terms. You can also PASTE the URL of your competitor’s website to collect data on their MOST popular pages and what keywords they are ranking well for in Google search. If you have some EXTRA money to spend on your research, you CAN purchase a monthly subscription with a 7-day FREE trial.
Purchase your domain and hosting through Then, install WordPress with the click of a mouse button from the control panel. Honestly, get up and running in 10-minutes.
Your blogging platform that WILL be installed from within your hosting platform –
Start collecting email subscribers with Aweber. Building an email list will help you build a loyal following that you can email with new content updates and more. In addition, an email list CAN help you monetize your blog by sending them product ALERTS.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
The MOST popular social media networks to get started when promoting your content for the first time. Create a regular social media posting routine and generate TRAFFIC through “Likes” and “Shares”. Take time building a community to share your thoughts and other updates regarding your blog.
Quora is a FREE community where you can answer questions posted by other users. Use Quora to find additional topics for your blog. Answer questions on Quora to help others and promote your blog by linking back to your content as an additional reference.
Join Google AdSense and get paid to display banners on your website. Earn each time someone clicks on an advertisement banner or per 1000 impressions. It’s FREE to join and one of the best ways to START monetizing your content RIGHT away.
Additional Resources
How to Become a Certified Nursing Assistant – A Complete Guide
13 Best Maternity Nursing Scrubs (Tops And Pants) – Cherokee, Grey’s Anatomy, Med Couture, WonderWink
12 Best Tennis Shoes For Nurses (2021) – Comfortable, Stylish, Affordable, And More
16 Best Compression Socks For Nurses – Nurse Mates, Dr. Scholl’s, CHARMKING, Physix Gear, and More
18 Best Skechers Nursing Shoes – Go Walk, D’Lites, Breathe Easy, Flex Appeal 2.0
61 Types of Nursing Specialties – Requirements, Demand, and Salary
24 Best Jogger Scrub Pants – Cherokee, Figs, HeartSoul, Barco, And More
43 Best Backpacks for Nurses – Rolling, Personalized, Tote, Travel, Messenger
17 Best New Balance Shoes For Nurses
15 Best Lunch Bags For Nurses – Tote, Zipper, Insulated, Shatter And Leak Proof
18 Best Hoka Shoes For Nurses
16 Best Crocs For Nurses – Classic, Literide, Blitzen, And More
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